What Your Vet Wishes You Knew.. We are action packed.

What Your Vet Wishes You Knew.. We Are Actioned Packed.
In this week's edition of "What Your Vet Wishes You Knew," we would like to talk about how grateful we are to our clients for the opportunity to take care of their pets. During the pandemic, we have seen many surrounding veterinary hospitals close their doors for a short period of time and many even stopped seeing wellness and vaccine appointments. We at Broadway Veterinary Hospital however continued to serve the community of the Treasure Valley with curbside appointments to any patients in need. In these last few months, we have grown immensely! In February, on a good week, we would see an average of 180-190 pets per week. Now we are seeing on average 220-230 pets per week and that's not counting our surgeries, dentals, and technician appointments! Additionally, we have added a new doctor into our appointment schedule to take care of even more pets every week. Yet, we are still booked solid for almost two to three weeks for vaccine and wellness appointments and about 4-5 days out for sick pet visits at any given time. At Broadway Veterinary Hospital, we have been working hard to fit in as many pets per day that our doctors can handle without forfeiting the compassionate care that we strive to provide. We cannot thank our clients enough for their patience when it comes to the protocol changes and the additional wait times that have ensued with the global pandemic. We wish that we didn't have to refer our patients to emergency hospitals in the surrounding areas but unfortunately sometimes we reach our limit, it is something that must be done for the safety of the pets and for the mental well being of our staff and doctors. We are so grateful for the unprecedented amounts of clients and pets that we are helping during this time and we very much appreciate our clients' patience with us during this time.
We have one more thing to touch on because of these action packed times: Our doctors' time is exponentially valuable due to the amount of pets needing to be seen in the Treasure Valley. When a pet does not show up to an appointment or a client does not give us ample notice that they will not be able to make their appointment time, that is a missed opportunity to help another pet in need. On an average day we have a cancellation list of 5-10 sick pets that need to be seen sooner than later. Last week we had 5 pets not show up to their scheduled appointments. If those clients had called just one hour prior, we could have helped 5 sick pets on the cancellation list instead. We decided at our last staff meeting that after two consecutive 'no-shows' for an appointment have occurred by a client, we will begin to take a deposit for future appointment reservations. This is to ensure that our doctors' time is utilized to the fullest capacity and we are able to help as many sick pets per day as possible while still performing routine care that is so important as well. We cannot thank our clients enough and want to reiterate that we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to be your veterinarian of choice in the Treasure Valley because Broadway Veterinary Hospital Loves Your Pet!